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IOT-Platform provides an insight in the device status

More about the project

For the reliable operation of ventilation technology

The family-owned company ZIEHL-ABEGG is specialized in ventilation and air conditioning technology as well as in drive-motors for elevators and developed along with Telekom Germany and Telekom MMS an industrial platform using internet of things in order to connect and monitor its products including remote devices to the internet of things. The objective is to obtain accurate picture about the application scenarios, device status and maintenance status via recording the operating data and to be able to visualize the same significantly in reports and dashboards for the public eye.

Reference Overview


More reliable and secure ventilation technology at low maintenance cost and provision of monitoring data for the application scenario, device status and maintenance status


Customer and administration portal, to which individual devices are connected via Internet of Things with Microsoft Azure Cloud and can be continuously monitored by the team of ZIEHL-ABEGG and customers



Early alarms for malfunctions or for reaching defined thresholds minimizes the downtime of the devices and on the other side, it also prevents the unnecessary maintenance

Icon / Quote
We are leading innovator in our industry and we were looking for a reliable and efficient partner. The point of contact of Telekom Germany and Telekom MMS are competent and perfectly match to our requirements. Peter Fenkl, Chief Executive of ZIEHL-ABEGG SE

Customer Benefits

  • Reduction in downtime as well as maintenance of ventilators based on the requirement

  • Usage of collected device data and load profile statistics for continuous product improvement

  • Options for new business models, services and products for ZIEHL-ABEGG- customers


Insight into the ongoing operation plus expansion of the portfolio

The solutions by ventilation technology of ZIEHL-ABEGG are used in critical environments like labs, agricultural industry or server set ups. There, reliable operation of ventilation technology is of major significance. Maintenance cycles of ZIEHL-ABEGG were closely interconnected correspondingly, which however required high efforts.

On the other side, ZIEHL-ABEGG wanted to expand its products by additional services, particularly an opportunity to monitor the devices and thus to be able to take decisions for controlling, maintenance and procurement. Individual devices should be connected via Internet of Things to the Microsoft Azure Cloud and via interfaces to other product databases and mobile apps of ZIEHL-ABEGG. ZIEHL-ABEGG wanted a customer and administration portal, wherein the customers have the access to the live-status as well as to the operating data.


Cloud based management and continuous monitoring of the devices

In future, the ventilation technology products of ZIEHL-ABEGG will be equipped with additional sensors, which would transmit the status update or status change via Bluetooth to the IoT- Gateway within the regular intervals of seconds. The obtained data can be actual power consumption, indoor and outdoor temperatures, operating hours or vibrations which indicate the prevailing imbalance. Via local Wi-Fi, LAN or UMTS-connection, the gateway transfers data points combined with IoT-Hub in the Microsoft Azure. Per one mouse click, the customer has an access to the status of actual devices on the user interface.

The team of ZIEHL- ABEGG obtains insights in the performance of all connected devices in order to be able to plan the maintenance, monitoring, product requirement and service life efficiently. Actual status information or error notification of individual devices can be retrieved actively on the ZA bluegalaxy platform or via WhatsApp, email or SMS.


Strategic foundation for cloud in the future

Through connection to the Cloud and the Internet of Things, the team of ZIEHL-ABEGG and also the customer itself can continuously monitor the connected devices. Alerts in the system ensure early alarming to the end customers and service technicians in case of malfunctions or reaching the fixed thresholds at an early stage. Downtime of the devices can be significantly reduced as well as the unnecessary maintenance of ventilators can be prevented.

With its new sustainable solution, ZIEHL-ABEGG expects reduction in costs for its customer service across the globe. Simultaneously, the research and development departments also benefit from the consolidated device parameters apart from the entire product life cycle. ZIEHL-ABEGG now has a growing digital database for forecasting and requirement-based business models. Other divisions of the company should also be connected to the portal gradually such as the drive technology in year 2019.


ZIEHL-ABEGG is one of the internationally leading companies in ventilation technology, control technology and drive technology. Examples for applications scenarios for its products are heating and air-conditioning systems or cleanroom systems and agriculture systems. ZIEHL-ABEGG has already laid a foundation for modern ventilator systems: External rotor motors, which is still today the best technology available. The further fields are the electric motors, which provide motion in elevators, medical applications (i.e. Computer tomography) or deep sea submersibles. ZIEHL-ABEGG has 2,250 employees in southern German production plants. The company has worldwide overall 4,100 employees, which are spread over 16 production plants, 29 companies and 111 sales locations.

Do you have any questions?

Dr. Cornelia Mossal

Corporate Communication