Privacy Policy

Cookie settings: You can recall your cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences. The protection of your personal data is very important to Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH. We want to inform you about collected personal data, how it is used and which options are available to you.

1. What information is collected, how is it used and for how long is it stored?

a) Technical features

When you visit our web pages, the web server temporarily records the domain name or IP address of your computer, the client's file request (file name and URL), the http response code and the web page from which you are visiting us.

The logged data is used exclusively for the purposes of data security, in particular to prevent attempts to attack our web server (sec. 6 para.1 sentence 1 lit. f EU-GDPR). They will neither be used for the creation of individual user profiles nor passed on to third parties and will be deleted after 7 days at the latest. We reserve the right to statistically evaluate anonymous data records.

b) When signing up for our newsletter

If you have given your explicit consent in accordance to sec. 6 para.1 sentence 1 lit. a EU-GDPR, we will use your e-mail address to regularly send you our newsletter. In order to ensure proper registration for the newsletter and to prevent unauthorized applications on behalf of third parties we will send you after your initial newsletter registration in the Double-Opt-In-Procedure a confirmation e-mail, in which we ask for confirmation of the registration. In connection with your newsletter subscription we also store your registration data (e-mail address, first name, surname, date as well as time of the registration/confirmation of the opt-in) so that we can follow up the registration at a later point in time and prove it. The legal basis for this storage is a legitimate interest, sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f EU-GDPR and sec. 7 para. 1 EU-GDPR. The legitimate interest is justified in the burden of proof of consent.

We use or rather store your registration information to send you personalized newsletter until you unsubscribe or we terminate the newsletter delivery.

On clicks on links from our newsletters we use conversion tracking for the purpose of improving the information we offer. The newsletter function is provided by our processor Cloudbridge Consulting GmbH.

You can unsubscribe anytime, for example via link at the end of each newsletter. Alternatively, you are welcome to send your unsubscription request to mms(at) by e-mail.

You can change your salutation preference at any time by clicking on the link to update your personal information at the end of a received newsletter. Alternatively, you can also send an email with your request to change your salutation preference or to delete the salutation information to mms(at) at any time.

c) When using our contact form

If you have any questions, we offer you the opportunity to contact us using the form provided on the website. Please fill in the mandatory fields such as first name, surname, e-mail address, telephone, company and job title so we are able to answer your request. Additionally, we need your valid e-mail address for verification of your person. The data will be processed for the purpose of contacting us in accordance with sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a EU-GDPR on the basis of your voluntary consent.

d) When downloading our whitepapers and studies

If you have expressly consented according to sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b EU-GDPR, we use your contact data (first name, surname, e-mail address, telephone, company, job title) to send you the link to the requested download and for further contact via e-mail and telephone regarding trends, whitepaper, events and online-seminars as well as other relevant content, products and services. You can unsubscribe at any time from receiving advertisement, for example via link at the end of each mailing. Alternatively, you are welcome to send your unsubscription request at any time to mms(at) by e-mail.

You can change your salutation preference at any time by clicking on the link to update your personal information at the end of a received newsletter. Alternatively, you can also send an email with your request to change your salutation preference or to delete the salutation information to mms(at) at any time.

e) When registering for an (online) event or webinar or when making an appointment for a trade fair

You have the possibility to register for an event (or trade fair) or online-seminar via a registration form. Your required contact data (first name, surname, e-mail, telephone, company, job title) will only be used for the purpose of registration and for further contact for the preparation, execution and completion of your desired (online-) event or online-seminar and for further contact via e-mail and telephone regarding trends, whitepaper, events and online-seminars as well as other relevant content, products and services in accordance with sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b EU-GDPR.

You can change your salutation preference at any time by clicking on the link to update your personal information at the end of a received newsletter. Alternatively, you can also send an email with your request to change your salutation preference or to delete the salutation information to mms(at) at any time.

f) When registering for a workshop

You have the possibility to register for a workshop via a registration form. Your necessary contact data (first name, surname, e-mail, telephone, company, position) will only be used for the purpose of registration and for further contact for the preparation, implementation and handling of the workshop in accordance with sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b EU-GDPR.

g) Career pages

Data that is entered and submitted on our career pages is transferred through a secured connection directly to the server of our processor rexx systems GmbH.

a. Applicant form

To simplify the application process for different jobs you create an applicant record with your first application by filling out and submitting the applicant form. Your applicant record is valid for the entire application process. During this, an identifier (ID) will be assigned to you. Input enquired in the application form that is necessary for the ID is mandatory and marked with *. Alongside this general application profile, we also ask you questions related to the specific job you are applying for. When filling out the applicant form you also have the option to transfer personal information from your Xing-profile, or your curriculum via CV upload.

The personalized data recorded in the applicant form is exclusively used to process your application for jobs at Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH. The processing of your application data serves the purpose of evaluation for possible employment. Legal basis for this is sec. 88 EU-GDPR in conjunction with sec. 26 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and where applicable sec. 6 para. 1 lit. b EU-GDPR.

In addition to the required application data (marked as mandatory fields), you also have the option to voluntarily provide further information (including the data mentioned in the attachments). Of course, we only process this personalized data for purposes related to your application for jobs at Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH.

Insofar as you provided your consent for processing of your personalized data, legal basis for the processing is sec. 6 para. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR.

If according to sec. 9 para. 1 EU-GDPR specific categories of personalized data are processed within the scope of the job vacancy procedure, it serves the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations in regards to labour law, the civil service law, the social security law, and social protection (e.g. recognition of severe disability or rather equality due to Social Security Code [SGB] IX). Legal basis is sec. 9 para. 2 lit. b EU-GDPR and para. 26 sec. 3 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Additionally, the processing of health data may be required for assessing your ability to work in accordance with sec. 9 para. 2 lit. h BDSG and sec. 22 para. 1 lit. b BDSG.

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH takes all appropriate steps to ensure that your application will be handled carefully and reviewed completely. Therefore, your application data must be truthful, up-to-date, and complete. Please inform us immediately of potential changes in your application data. You are also aware that untrue information may lead to ending a possible employment.

b. Applicant pool

Applicants can agree to the extended storage of previously collected applicant data in an applicant pool. Consent is given by selecting the field "I agree to the inclusion of my data in the applicant pool".

The selection is voluntary and has no impact on your chances in the application process. The legal basis for the processing is sec. 88 para. 1 EU-GDPR in conjunction with sec. 26 para. 2 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). The Consent applies to renewed contact in the event of suitability for further job advertisements, information on Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH as an employer and notices of events and special occasions.

You have the right not to agree to be included in the applicant pool. Without consent, the applicant cannot use the services of the applicant pool, as the processing of the applicant data is required for this purpose.

The applicants can revoke their consent to inclusion in the applicant pool at any time without giving reasons with effect for the future; in this case, the data will be deleted immediately after completion of the application process. Please use the contact MMS-Talents(at) for this purpose.

Your data will be deleted from the applicant pool when the purpose for storing the data no longer exists or if you have previously requested the deletion of your data via the contact MMS-Talents(at)

c. Registration for our job alert

If you have registered for the job alert, we will use your e-mail address to notify you as soon as a new job offer appears that matches your search specifications. Legal basis is your consent in accordance with sec. 6 para. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR.

To ensure your proper registration for the job alert, i.e. to prevent unauthorized registrations on behalf of third parties, we will send you a confirmation e-mail after your initial registration using the double opt-in-process, in which we ask you to confirm your registration. Related to your registration for job alert we also store your registration data (e.g. e-mail address, date and time of registration/ confirmation of the opt-in) to retrace and prove your registration in the future. Legal basis for this storage is a legitimate interest, sec. 6 para. 1 lit. f EU-GDPR, sec. 7 para. 1 EU GDPR. The legitimate interest is justified in the obligation to provide proof of your consent.

We store your e-mail address to send you job offers until you unsubscribe or we stop sending the job offers to you. You can revoke, your consent to the job alert of Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH at any time for the future by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of a received newsletter/ e-mail notification for new job offers.

Alternatively, you can send your request to unsubscribe from the job alert via e-mail to MMS-Talents(at)

d. Deletion

Before the start of the application process

You can initiate the deletion of your data before the start of our application process by contacting MMS-Talents(at) Your data will then be deleted immediately. However, if you instruct to delete your application data your application can not be considered in the further application process.

After the start of the application process

If the application process has already begun, your applicant data will be retained for a period of six months from the conclusion of the application process in accordance with sec. 15 para. 4 General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). After completion of the six-month retention period, your data will be automatically deleted from our system. Information on the deletion of your data from the applicant pool can be found under 1.b)

e. Checkbox activation

To continue the application process, you are required to tick the checkbox “I took note of the privacy policy and agree to the data processing”, thereby declaring to have taken note of and agreeing to the stated information therein. We will store your declaration. Legal basis for this storage is a legitimate interest, sec. 6 para. 1 lit. f EU-GDPR, sec. 7 para. 1 EU-GDPR. The legitimate interest is justified in the obligation to provide proof of your consent.

If you do not agree to the conditions above, your application will neither be stored nor processed.

f. Text chat

We use a chatbot for text chat on the career pages. A chatbot is a text-based dialogue system that allows chatting with a technical system. Data is only stored once you initiate a communication process with the chatbot. Data from the chat history is only stored once you make entries in the text chat or select fields. For the purpose of quality improvement, for your consultation, and to further optimize our website and services, communication processes are stored for six months (sec. 6 para. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR). If you do not wish this, please inform us directly in the chat or at MMS-Talents(at) In this case, the data will be deleted immediately. Please note that in chat communication, the advisor or chatbot sees your entries after each submission, not only after you have completed your entire input. The text chat is realized with our partner Userlike UG.

h) Google reCAPTCHA

This website uses the reCAPTCHA function from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Irland ("Google"). The reCAPTCHA function enables separating between requests made by a real person, and machine-made or automated input with the goal of spamming by using the contact forms provided on the website. The reCAPTCHA function includes the transfer of the IP-address and - where applicable and necessary for this service - further data to Google. Legal basis is a legitimate interest, sec. 6 para. 1 lit. f EU-GDPR, justified in the realization of individual responsibility on the internet, and the prevention of misuse and spamming. Further, the transfer of personal data to servers of Google LLC., located in the United States of America, is possible within the scope of usage of Google reCAPTCHA.

For further information on Google reCAPTCHA as well as Google’s privacy policy, visit

i) LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

As part of the acquisition of new customers, we use the so-called Lead Gen Forms on LinkedIn. Lead Gen Forms are i.a. advertisements in social networks that enable the integration of contact forms in sponsored content. Lead Gen Forms are also used as free contact forms on the LinkedIn company page.

The use of lead generation tools serves to more precisely address and communicate with our target groups. The LinkedIn Lead Gens can integrate functions and content of the LinkedIn service. If you are a member of the LinkedIn platform, LinkedIn can assign the content and functions to your user profile. If you contact us via LinkedIn Lead Gens, personal data (e.g. name, e-mail address or telephone number) will be stored by LinkedIn and transmitted to us. We store and use the data to contact you by email and telephone and to inform you about trends, whitepapers, events and online-seminars as well as relevant content, products and services. The legal basis for the evaluation of the LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms is your consent given by sending the forms (sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a EU-GDPR). You can revoke your consent at any time via email via mms(at)

On LinkedIn, lead data is automatically deleted after 90 days. For more information how LinkedIn uses your data, see LinkedIn's privacy policy:

j) Other

Additional personal data, such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address, are not collected unless you provide this information voluntarily, for example in web forms.

2. Is my usage behaviour evaluated, e.g. for advertising, tracking?

Explanations and definitions

We want you to enjoy using our websites and our products and services. In order to make our website user-friendly, we analyse the usage behaviour of page visitors anonymously or pseudonymised. In the context of the legal regulations we, or companies commissioned by us in the context of order data processing, create user profiles. A direct conclusion about you is not possible. Below you will find general information about the various purposes and techniques. You have the opportunity to object. Please note, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website.


Tag management (strictly necessary)

Tag management allows us to manage the use of tools on the different websites of our web portal. A tag is set for each page to do this. The tag content determines which tools are to be used for this page. Tag management is used to ensure that tools are only used in a targeted way, where their use is appropriate.

a) Required cookies

These cookies are required to enable you to navigate through the web pages and use key functions. They enable basic functions. They are also used for anonymized evaluation of user behavior, which helps us to continuously further develop our website for you and provide content in a user-friendly way. The legal basis for processing is sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b EU-GDPR, for third countries sec. 49 para. 1 lit. b EU-GDPR.

Company Purpose Storage period Processing country
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH Registers the server cluster that serves the user. Important for load balancing. Cookie (7 days) EU
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH Is used to maintain the user’s status across page views. Cookie (1 minute) Germany
Tealium Tag management Cookie (3 months) Netherlands
Mapp (formerly Webtrekk) Website improvement, fault analysis Cookie (6 months) Germany
Mapp (formerly Webtrekk) Operation Session cookie Germany
Google Ireland Limited reCAPTCHA function in forms on the website; enables separating between input made by a real person and machine-made or automated input; prevention of spamming. Cookie (6 months), Session cookie, Local memory USA

b) Analytical cookies

These cookies help us to better understand user behaviour.
Analytical cookies enables the collection of usage and recognition options by first-party or third-party providers, in pseudonymous user profiles. For example, we use analysis cookies to determine the number of individual visitors to a website or service, or to gather other statistics regarding the operation of our products, as well as to analyze user behavior based on anonymous and pseudonymous information, such as how visitors interact with the website. It is not possible to draw a direct conclusion about an individual. The legal basis for these cookies is Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR, or in the case of third countries, Art. 49(1)(a) GDPR.

Company Purpose Storage period Processing country
Mapp (formerly Webtrekk) Website improvement Cookie (30 days) Germany

c) Marketing cookies/ Retargeting

These cookies are used in order to be able to show you personalised and therefore relevant advertising content. Marketing cookies are used to display interesting advertising content and to measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.This occurs not only on the websites of Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH but also on other advertising partner sites (third parties). This is also known as retargeting. It is used to create pseudonymous content or ad profiles, to serve relevant advertisements on other websites, and to derive insights about audiences who viewed the ads and content. Marketing and retargeting cookies help us to display possible relevant advertising content to you. A direct conclusion about an individual is not possible. By opting out of marketing processing, you will continue to see the same number of advertisements, but they may be less relevant to you. The legal basis for these cookies is sec. 6 para.1 sentence 1 lit. a EU-GDPR, for third countries sec. 49 para. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR.

Company Purpose Storage period Processing country
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH Is set when clicking on a job ad. Serves to improve our website. Session cookie, Session memory Germany

d) Services from other companies (self-responsible third-party providers)

We have integrated services from third-party providers who provide their services independently. When you visit our website, data is collected using cookies or similar technologies and transmitted to the respective third party, in some cases for Telekom MMS own purposes. The legal basis for these cookies is sec. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a EU-GDPR. For information on further processing for the third-party provider's own purposes, please refer to the third-party provider's privacy policy (purposes, storage period and legal basis). Information on the third-party-providers who are responsible for their own use is provided below.

Company Purpose Storage period Processing country
Twitter Traffic analyses Cookie (2 years), Local memory USA
Google These cookies are used to support Google's advertising services and enable ad and activity tracking for remarketing purposes on our website (e.g. downloads). Cookies (6 months to 20 years) USA
Youtube Cookies register a unique user ID for statistics and tracking. Estimation of user bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. Session cookie, Cookies (8 months max.) USA
LinkedIn Is used by LinkedIn to optimize advertising. Cookies (2 years max.) USA
LinkedIn Remarketing cookies are used by LinkedIn to deliver remarketing ads and enable ad and activity tracking for remarketing purposes on our website (e.g. downloads). Cookies (4 weeks) USA
LinkedIn This cookie is used to determine a suitable data processing center for the user Cookie (24 hours) USA
LinkedIn This cookie saves the user’s language configurations. Session cookie USA
LinkedIn This cookie is used to recognize different devices from which LinkedIn is visited and detect misuse on the platform. Cookie (2 years) USA
Yumpu Integration of the whitepaper preview on the download detail pages. For more information, please visit the privacy policy page of i-magazine AG. - USA
Podigee Used to unlock Podigee content. Enables the integration of podcasts in a player. - Germany/USA


We use the remarketing and Google AdWords function of Google Inc. ("Google") on our websites. This function is implemented through a cookie and serves to present interest-based advertisements to visitors of the website within the Google advertising network. On these pages, the visitor can then be presented with advertisements that relate to content that the visitor has previously accessed on websites that use Google's remarketing function. According to Google, no personal data is collected during this process. If you still do not wish to use Google's remarketing function, you can generally deactivate it by making the appropriate settings at Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies for interest-based advertising through the Network Advertising Initiative by following the instructions at Further information about Google Remarketing and Google's privacy policy can be found at:

If you have reached our websites through a Google ad, a cookie will be stored on your computer by Google AdWords. This cookie expires after 30 days. It is not possible to draw any conclusions about your identity. The information obtained with the help of this so-called conversion cookie is used to create statistics about our conversion rate. This means that we learn how many users came to our websites through a Google ad and purchased a product within 30 days.

If you do not wish to participate in the tracking process, you can disable cookies for conversion tracking by setting your browser to block cookies from the relevant domain: Google AdWords:


The re-targeting and conversion tracking of LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland Ltd., Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland) by means of the LinkedIn Insight Tag enables the collection of statistical, pseudonymous data (referrer URL, IP address (abbreviated), device and browser characteristics) about the website visit and the use of our website, and on this basis, to provide corresponding aggregated statistics via the LinkedIn Insight Tag.
In addition, this information is used to display interest-specific and relevant offers and recommendations after you have shown interest in certain products, information and offers on our digital service. This information is stored in a cookie for 6 months. You can find out about data processing by LinkedIn at any time under and object to it or revoke your consent via the cookie settings.


We use the podcast hosting service Podigee provided by Podigee GmbH, Schlesische Straße 20, 10997 Berlin, Germany. The podcasts are loaded or transmitted through Podigee. Podigee processes IP addresses and device information to enable podcast downloads/plays and to determine statistical data, such as the number of accesses. These data are anonymized or pseudonymized before being stored in Podigee's database, unless they are necessary for the provision of the podcasts. Further information and options for objection can be found in Podigee's privacy policy:

3. Who is responsible for data processing? Who should I contact if I have any questions about data privacy at Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH?

The data controller is Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH, Riesaer Str. 5, 01129 Dresden. Our data privacy officer is Dr. Claus D. Ulmer, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany. If you have any questions, please contact mms-datenschutz(at)

4. What rights do I have?

You have the right

a) of access by the data subject, the purposes of processing, any recipients of the data, the planned storage period (sec. 15 EU-GDPR);

b) to request the rectification of incorrect or addition of incomplete data (sec. 16 EU-GDPR);

c) to withdrawa given consent at any time with effect for the future (sec. 7 para. 3 EU-GDPR);

d) to object to data processing which is to be carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest for reasons arising from your particular situation (sec. 21 para. 1 EU-GDPR);

e) to request erasure of data in certain cases within the framework of sec. 17 EU-GDPR - in particular, if the data is no longer required for the intended purpose or is processed unlawfully, or if you have withdrawn your consent in accordance with above (c) or have declared an objection in accordance with above (d);

f) under certain conditions, to demand the restriction of data processing insofar as deletion is not possible or the obligation to delete is in dispute (sec. 18 EU-GDPR);

g) data portability, i.e. you can receive the data that you have provided to us in a common machine-readable format such as CSV and, if necessary, transfer it to others (sec. 20 EU-GDPR);

h) to complain to the competent supervisory authorityabout data processing (for telecommunications contracts: Federal Commissioner for Data Privacy and Freedom of Information; otherwise: State Commissioner for Data Privacy and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia);(sec. 77 EU-GDPR).

5. Who does Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH pass on my data to?

  • To contract processors, i.e. companies that we entrust with the processing of data within the scope provided for by law, sec. 28 EU-GDPR (service providers, vicarious agents). In this case, Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH remains responsible for the protection of your data. In particular, we commission companies in the following areas: IT, sales, marketing, finance, consulting, customer service, human resources, logistics, printing.
    After entering and submitting your data in the career pages/ job vacancies, it is transmitted directly to the server of our data processor rexx systems GmbH via an encrypted connection.
  • To cooperation partners who provide services for you on their own responsibility or in connection with your Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH contract. This is the case, if you commission services from such partners with us or if you consent to the involvement of the partner or if we involve the partner on the basis of a legal permission.
  • Due to legal obligation: In certain cases, we are required by law to transmit certain data to the requesting government entity.

6. Where will my data be processed?

Your data will be processed in Germany and other European countries. If, in exceptional cases, your data is also processed in countries outside the European Union (i.e. in so-called third countries), it will happen only,

a) if you have expressly given your consent to this (sec. 49 para. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR); (In most countries outside the European Union the level of data protection is not corresponding to EU standards. This applies in particular to government agencies' wide-ranging surveillance and rights to controll, e.g. in the United States of America, that intervene disproportionately in data privacy of EU citizens.),

b) or if it is necessary for our provision of services to you (sec. 49 para. 1 lit. b EU-GDPR),

c) or if it is provided for by law (sec. 6 para. 1 lit. c EU-GDPR).

In addition, your data will only be processed in third countries if certain measures have been taken to ensure that an appropriate level of data privacy exists (e.g. the EU Commission's adequacy decision or so-called suitable guarantees, sec. 44 et seq. EU-GDPR).

7. Who can I contact if I have any questions about data protection at Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH?

For questions and to assert your rights as a person concerned, please use our contact: mms-datenschutz(at)

Current status of the privacy policy: September 2nd 2024