HanseWerk Natur Puts Energy into digital Customer Service from Home Office
Energy suppliers are system-relevant even in challenging times. Being available to the customers in the north of Germany at all times via one of the seven customer service hotlines, even from the home office, suddenly confronted HanseWerk Natur with a new task. For just as important to the company as maintaining the service is the health of its employees and the associated possibility of extending customer service to the home office.
However, the existing contact center solution did not allow for this flexibility and was only functional from the offices. HanseWerk Natur therefore decided to implement a new digital solution in the middle of its end-of-year business, which would ensure both the maintenance of its service hotlines and employee health.
About HanseWerk Natur
HanseWerk Natur GmbH, a hundred percent subsidiary of HanseWerk AG, is one of the largest regional energy service providers in northern Germany, headquartered in Hamburg. The business areas include the supply of heating, cooling and steam as well as the supply of electricity from plants with combined heat and power generation, the technical operation of third-party plants as well as the generation of electricity from renewable energies with an annual turnover of 150 million euros. HanseWerk Natur has 7 operating sites with 200 employees and covers the federal states of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the northern part of Lower Saxony.